Rogue Game, First Play 2012

Our thanks to all players, commentators, camera operators and editors.

Participants – Event 1: Friday 7 September, 7pm. Players: Lebeq Tavern Courage FC; Hornets Volleyball Club; Bristol Braves Basketball Club. Commentator: Paul Davis. Camera operators: Matthew Barton, Loraine Blumenthal. Video editors: Tom Ketteringham, Rod Maclachlan. Event 2: Saturday 8 September, 2pm. Players: Pedipalp Progagonists  and Cezza Team; South Gloucestershire touch rugby; mixed two-on-two basketball. Commentator: Paul Davis. Camera operators: Nathan Wald, Matty Groves. Video editors: Tom Ketteringham, Rod Maclachlan. Event 3: Saturday 22 September, 2pm. Players: El Rincon and Spike Island football teams; South Gloucestershire touch rugby; mixed two-on-two basketball. Camera operator: Ella Frost, Sorrell Waldie. Video editors: Tom Ketteringham, Rod Maclachlan. Event 4: Saturday 29 September, 12.30pm. Players: Spike Café football teams; Bristol Diving School basketball; Hornets Volleyball Club. Commentator: Dr. Kitrina Douglas. Camera operators: Sorrell Waldie and Thom Heald. Video editors: Tom Ketteringham, Rod Maclachlan.

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