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Rogue Game at Casco, 2011

Collaborators: Can Altay

Works: Rogue Game, First Play, 2011, Rogue Game Replay, 2011

Solo Event: Sportcentrum Olympos in Utrecht

Solo Exhibition: Casco, Utrecht

The event Rogue Game, First Play and show Rogue Game Replay were commissioned by Casco Utrecht in relation to Can Altay’s exhibition COHAB: an assembly of spare parts. Extending the concerns of COHAB the event and show explore concerns of inhabitation and territorial negotiation.

Rogue Game, First Play is an ongoing series of hybrid games. The proposition of Rogue Game is to simultaneously play three or more games marked out on a multi-purpose sports pitch. A struggle between three games and their players ensues; known rules are exchanged for new ever-changing rules and the seed of a new game or gaming instinct is put forward.

Rogue Game Replay stages a meeting ground of hybridized relations and play between the logic and systems of the sports arena, the exhibition space and the office at Casco. Within the exhibition setting the superimposed territories, rules and functions of each layer are negotiated and strategies for co-habitation outside the confines of the sports hall are illuminated.

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