Can Altay writes an essay on Rogue Game. An extract:
‘Inhabitation, cohabitation, movement and proximity in the Rogue Game provide ‘tools’ with which the limits of architecture can be revealed and exhausted; as well as prescribing the possibility of ‘an architecture’ that can intervene and contribute to other social processes and urban spaces in similar manners. Space expands through inhabitation and movement, since there is always a “spatial excess” contained within architecture, existing “beyond the relevance for the present, and into the realm of the future” as defined by Elizabeth Grosz (2001). The ways in which we occupy given systems, structures, and spaces are crucial, for any attempt to activate this excess, and to challenge, alter, or transform our given reality. Rogue Game thus suggests ways in which other architectures and urban contexts can be occupied.’
Can Altay (2014) ‘Rogue Game: An Architecture of Transgression’ in Rice, L. & Littlefield, D. (editors) ‘Transgression: Towards an expanded architecture’ published as one of the ‘AHRA Critiques: Critical Studies in Architectural Humanities’ series, (London: Routledge).