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She Couldn’t Remember the Details of the Journey #1, 2000

Dimensions: 66cm width x 120cm depth x 30cm height.

Materials: Rigid PVC, neoprene, fluorescent lights with daylight tubes.

Exhibited: Prema, Gloucestershire, 2000.

This installation is in two parts and titled She said she couldn’t remember the details of the journey but could remember the impression that it left on her. The image is of a model of a cross section of a motorway [scale 1:8 ] extended back into space within a recess in a wall. The ground profile, walls and ceiling are lined with black neoprene. Drawing on a journey at night the piece suspends the viewer at the point between the known space lit by headlights and the unknown territory beyond. A moment and space in an ongoing journey is made physical and architectural, expanding it in time. The viewer is absorbed into the blackness of the motorway landscape and becomes aware of his or her presence in a space which is normally defined by absence of the figure.


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