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Survey of a Diesel Canopy, 2000

Dimensions: 280cm diameter x 72cm height, 150cm height of ground plane.

Materials: MDF, fluorescent light with daylight tube, emulsion paint, steel wire rope, rigid PVC.


The Armory Show, New York, 2002.

Frederieke Taylor Gallery, New York, 2001.

Gasworks, London, 2000.

Prema, Glos, 2000.

Survey of a diesel canopy presents a view of a diesel station placed within a cylindrical form which is suspended from the ceiling. The ground plane is at eye level. The diesel station is stripped to its naked form and becomes generic. It is enclosed in a silent landscape and is isolated from what lies beyond. The piece allows the viewer to travel around it but the motion that is experienced is frozen. Any anticipation of arrival is denied to the viewer. The familiar becomes estranged.


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